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Iskustvo je važno
Sa širokim i stručnim znanjem same regije mi stvaramo nezaboravna iskustva odmora uz neprekidnu podršku od 24/7 kako bi zadovoljili svaku vašu potrebu.
Garantirano najbolja cijena
Garantiramo najnižu cijenu bez skrivenih troškova ili dodatnih davanja. Svaka uplata je osigurana WSPay™ sustavom.
Kvaliteta i usluga
Naše pomno birane vile su osobno i redovno provjeravane kako bi vam omogućili najbolje moguće iskustvo odmora koje odgovara našim visokim kriterijima.
Tourismusverband Istrien
Kroatische Zentrale für Tourismus
  • Everything went perfectly

    We used Travel Istria for our main holiday this year and rented a private Villa just outside Medulin. Everything went perfectly...... Booking the Villa was really easy and we had confirmation as soon as the deposit was received. Kristina notified us when the when the remainder was due, and confirmed we had paid in full The week before the holiday I received directions to the villa , and key collection instructions, and on arriving we had someone show us around the Villa and ensure we settled in Kristina was accessible throughout the week if we needed anything. The icing on the cake was Kristina arranged for us to stay an extra couple of hours on our last day as our flight was mid afternoon. That meant we could stay around the pool right up until time to go home. I’d fully recommend using Travel Istria, and will use them again !
    – John Trace, October 2019.